At Bowser's Castle, Kamek had reunited all the Boos he could find in the throne room. He had a plan ready for them. "Ha ha ha! This is going to be a really good plan, my Boo friends!" Kamek said. "Eh... You sure this won't injure us?" Rick, a fellow Boo asked, nervously. "What, no? Why do you ask that? It's going to make things even better! Now, get ready!!" Kamek declared, and casted a spell on all the Boos. "Wow, what can we do now? Are we inmune to light?" Benard, other Boo, asked happily. "Well, sort of. You can possess living beings! People, creatures, etc. So that basically makes you inmune to light." Kamek explained. "Awesome!" Benard said, and explored around with his new ability. "So, what's going to do the Power you gave us?" Rick asked. "You see, I want to cause chaos, but causing it in the open can get a little tricky, since the Mario Bros. know us pretty well. So we're going to use someone from their side to cause trouble and fill our plan sucesfully!" Kamek explained. "And there's no other person more innocent to blast the Kingdom than Yoshi!!!" "Okay... What if one of us goes out to possess him to see how it can turn out!" Rick suggested. "Perfect! Perfect!! You go! Let's see how this goes everyone!" Kamek said. All the Boos cheered and laughed evilly. "I'll be leaving! Wish me luck!" Rick said, and dashed through the wall. "This is going to be perfect! Okay people! You can return to your normal stuff. We'll see how this goes!" Kamek said, and the Boos left.
Originally Written Jul 26th, 2016